ICNIRPs interessekonflikter
Det er den private organisation International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), som har anbefalet de grænseværdier for mobilstråling, som Danmark følger.
ICNIRP hævder selv, at de er en uafhængig organisation, men der er en række forhold der peger på, at ICNIRP har tætte forbindelser til teleindustrien. Herunder er der materiale om sagen (på engelsk).
Microwave News skriver i "short takes" følgende om ICNIRP den 23. november 2011 (et stykke ned i højre kolonne på siden):
”Last summer, ICNIRP began posting a "declaration of personal interest" for each member of the commission. At the time, one declaration was noticeably missing: Mike Repacholi's. Since then, ICNIRP has added an explanation: Because Repacholi is chairman emeritus and has no "voting rights," he is not required to out fill out a declaration. ICNIRP is also not asking its consulting experts and members of its advisory committees to make full disclosures. We think we know why. A number of industry consultants advise ICNIRP - Leeka Kheifets and David Black come right to mind. If such ties were openly acknowledged, they would make a mockery of ICNIRP's claims of being free of corporate influence.”
Vedr. Mike Repacholi, som var med i stiftelsen af ICNIRP og var formand i mange år:
2006: "Just months after leaving his post as the head of the EMF project at the World Health Organization (WHO), Mike Repacholi is now in business as an industry consultant." http://www.microwavenews.com/CT.html
2007: "Mike Repacholi has now revealed that up to half of the funds raised for his EMF Project came from industry." http://www.microwavenews.com/nc_junejuly2007.html
2008: BBC-interview med Mike Repacholi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VqnPtq4GbU#t=310s
Her fortælles det, at Mike Repacholi var industrikonsulent før han blev engageret i ICNIRP (og også WHO). (5.10 min. Inde i udsendelsen).
Vedr. ICNIRPs interessekonflikter:
2011: Publicering fra ICNIRP, hvoraf det fremgår at ICNIRPs medlemmer har tætte forbindelser til teleindustrien:
”Conflict of Interest Statement
Funding for research undertaken by MF [=Maria Feychting] and AJS [=Anthony J Swerdlow] has been provided by a number of sources, including the European Fifth Framework Program; the International Union against Cancer, which receives funds from the Mobile Manufacturers' Forum and the GSM Association; the Mobile Telecommunications Health and Research Programme; the Swedish Research Council; AFA Insurance; and VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems). VINNOVA received funds from TeliaSonera, EricssonAB, and Telenor. All funds from commercial sources were via firewalls. The authors certify that their freedom to design, conduct, interpret, and publish research was not compromised by any controlling sponsor. AJS [=Anthony J Swerdlow] holds shares in the telecoms companies Cable and Wireless Worldwide and Cable and Wireless Communications. AJS' wife holds shares in the BT group, a global telecommunications services company. MF [Maria Feychting], ACG, [Adele C Green] and AJS [Swerdlow] are members of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, an independent body setting guidelines for non-ionizing radiation protection. MF [=Maria Feychting] and AJS [=Anthony J Swerdlow] serve as advisors to a number of public advisory and research steering groups concerning the potential health effects of exposure to non-ionizing radiation.
Kilde: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3226506/
(Se under "footnotes").
Ovenstående deklaration, ihvertfald for Anthony Swerdlows vedkommende, er i konflikt med hvad Mike Repacholi erklærede overfor det Australske senat i 2001:
“There cannot be someone on the working group who is having an influence on health effects for an industry when they derive benefit from that industry.”
kilde: http://www.emfacts.com/download/who_conflict.pdf
(Se side 1, kolonne 2, midt).
Den tidligere formand for en af ICNIRPs komiteer, Anders Ahlbom, blev i 2011 udelukket fra en ekspertgruppe nedsat af WHO, fordi en journalist afslørede, at han er lobbyist for teleindustrien. http://www.monanilsson.se/document/AhlbomConflictsIARCMay23.pdf
Der er ikke dokumentation for, at Anders Ahlbom arbejdede som lobbyist for teleindustrien i den periode han var formand for en ICNIRP komite, men i dag er han fortsat konsulent for ICNIRP. http://www.icnirp.de/cm.htm